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Former Carmel mayor Brainard supports RAJU CHINTHALA concerns...

Former Carmel mayor Brainard supports RAJU CHINTHALA concerns...

Support is growing for prominent businessman, leader in healthcare, practicing as a speech pathologist RAJU CHINTHALA in Indiana's 5th district congressional race. Many support RAJU for his services to Central Indiana, especially the former mayor of Carmel City, Brainard, supported Raju.

In his endorsement video, Brainard... explained his reasons for choosing Raju Chinthala over the rest of the competition. "Raju Chinthala has worked hard for the people of Central Indiana, brought good jobs to Indiana, is a person who cares about the people. Raju has always brought issues to his attention," Brainard said..Brainard expressed confidence that the remaining members would vote for Raju Chinthala. Brainard, who served as mayor for 28 years, played a key role in the revival and growth of Carmel from a small suburb of Indianapolis to the fourth largest city in Indiana.

Raju Chintala said that the endorsement of former Carmel Mayor Brainard made him very happy and thanked him for his support. Mayor Brainard has led Carmel through vibrant economic development, a focus on people's needs and a long-term vision for success. Raju Chintala said these are the items he plans to take to Washington, D.C. on behalf of all the citizens of the 5th District.

Raju Chintala .. entrepreneur to Indiana's 5th district congressional race...

Raju Chintala of Indiana since 1996... is a successful speech-language pathologist, Hoosier entrepreneur, international financial consultant and politician. He is treasurer of the Hamilton County Republican Party and senior advisor for India at the Indiana Economic Development Corporation. Founder and President of Indiana India Business Council. Raju was honored by President Biden with the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award in 2022. Sagamore of Wabash received the award from both Governor Pence and Governor Holcomb. Raju lives in Carmel with his wife Dr. Prasanna Chintala, their son Anoop and their puppy Snowball.



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