ASBL NSL Infratech

National Safety Week Celebrations began in Sri City

National Safety Week Celebrations began in Sri City

Sri City kicked off the 53rd National Safety Week on Tuesday with Mr. N. Sekhar, Vice President (Projects), inaugurating the event. He addressed employees, administered a safety pledge, and officially declared the week of activities.

In a message, Sri City's Founder Managing Director, Mr. Ravindra Sannareddy, highlighted the week's purpose: to raise awareness and create a strong safety culture within the community, preventing accidents. He emphasised the critical role of prioritising safety at all levels, as negligence is often a major factor in accidents.

Throughout the week, various activities are planned, including awareness programs, quiz competitions, essay writing, and drawing contests for both employees and students. The week-long celebration will culminate in a concluding function on March 4th, coordinated by Mr. K. Narendra Babu, Manager of EHS (Safety).



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