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Fund Raiser for Paul DeGroot - Candidate for Commissioner (Morris County)

Fund Raiser for Paul DeGroot - Candidate for Commissioner (Morris County)

A Fund Raiser was organized by Rajender Dichpally and Santosh Peddi for Paul Degroot for Commissioner (Morris County) at the Grand Cafe restaurant in morristown. The event was attended by many Indian Americans who support the candidature of Paul Degroot who has been a successful public prosecutor for over 25 years with a great conservative track record. Paul has been fearless in taking on the drug mafia and guns off the street as public prosecutor and hopes to get more funding for education as commissioner. He has been a strong votary for reduced spending in Government and plans to ensure clean and honest governance as commissioner. The Indian American Community considers Paul as a friend and will stand with him on the primary election in June and general election in November in Morris County.



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